Monday, January 30, 2012

How do i improve my stamina?

Im running cross country and i want to know how to improve my stamina so i could do better

How do i improve my stamina?
To improve stamina you need to run distance.

You should be running 3 to5 miles 5 or 6 days each week.

One day you run a race so your practice will be 4 or 5 days.

Do a tempo or fartlek run 1 or 2 days, you might do an interval day every other week where you run repeat 800 at your projected race pace with 1 minute rests do 10.

You are trying to race faster so you need to improve stamina and stress endurance, which is why you must do the stress work along with the distance work.

Learn to run relaxed don't tense up your arms and hands.

Breath full, deep breaths, don't gasp or pant, it doesn't matter if you breath in your nose or mouth the air gets to your lungs the same time, and don't worry about counting steps to breath in or out just get the air you need to run.
Reply:I'm in cross country too. And when the season started I could BARELY run 1.5 miles. But what I did is I work hard at the practices and I drank PLENTY of water! Also I run around the neighborhood and I run up hills and since I still can't run 3 miles I ran wat I can and I run till I bascially pass out and I have my parents drive my route and either keep pushing me or take me back home and I'd try that 3 miles again the next day.
Reply:you should eat as more healthy as you can also start running in your area 3 till5 killometers per day so that you will be more healthy and by this way your stamina will upgrade

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