Friday, January 27, 2012

What do you call the penchant for metanalysis?

...rather than actual subject matters of knowledge? For example, the stronger inclination to study the philosophies of math, music, sciences, etc rather than actually engaging in math, music, sciences, more or less to this extent. One may be an dabbler but not expert in anything and still carry on this "need" to engage in metanalyses.

Does this indicate anything about stamina/intelligence/industry? I would think that the activity of engaging in the metaanalysis of physics requires less than getting seriously involved in theoretical physics, for example.

What do you call the penchant for metanalysis?
The fear of boredom.

Any thinking is better than having no thoughts.

The fear of being alone.

Any thoughts are a distraction to being alone.

The fear of being connected.

Any thoughts preclude people from being and interacting with others.
Reply:So you're now asking us to analyze metanalysis?

"I can do anything meta than you."

Wasn't that Irving Berlin?
Reply:Sounds like lack of understanding. It is called "spin" in politics. It can make you go "spinners".

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