Friday, January 27, 2012

How much should I run each day to play varsity girls soccer in the spring?

I've played soccer before but this year we have to run the cross country course before each practice and I want to build my stamina for games. I'm going to stay after my volleyball practices and use the school track. How much should I run each day?

How much should I run each day to play varsity girls soccer in the spring?
Since you have a few months, try this. This is what I used to tell my players when I coached soccer.

Start with an end goal. How far you want to be able to run and in what time you want to run it in.

Say 5 miles in 40 minutes. Thats 8 minute miles. Not break it down to the week before, 5 miles in 45 minutes, that 9 minute miles. and so forth. Also a good way to do it is start at 1 mile and run that until you get under the time you set for yourself.

I am not saying use the exact example from above, to get a good starting spot. Run a mile as fast as you can. Once you get that time you can make a better plan.

bottom line is, set a realistic end goal, then figure out weekly and monthly goals to accomplish along the way. If you start falling behind re evaluate those goals to make sure if they are realistic. If you are way ahead, then re evaluate to make sure you didn't set them too low.

Good Luck.

I think you must run often and a lot. You should do a lot of long distance and a lot of sprints. I am thinking two miles a day and ten sprints...(like sprinting a soccer feild ten times) a day.

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