Monday, January 30, 2012

Which requires more mental strength: the ability to withstand misfortune or good fortune?

which requires more mental strength: the ability to withstand misfortune, or the ability to cope with good fortune?

the stamina to get through a hard trial in life, or the ability to accept good fortune?

For people whose reaction to misfortune is cooler than their reaction to something good happening and things taking a good turn..what is the underlying issue and problem and how can they better cope with good fortune?

Is the psychology at work in such a case, a fear of misfortune visiting upon oneself again? Is it the sheer power of having become accustomed to misfortune? Is it a lack of confidence or "self esteem" if self esteem exists?

I'd like to hear your thoughts.

Which requires more mental strength: the ability to withstand misfortune or good fortune?
well, both things will pass with time, so I'm not sure mental strength is really the issue, it's will power.
Reply:I think the ability to withstand misfortune. Knowing that all is ruined, yet you press on with life.
Reply:Misfortune causes survival instincts to kick in. Good fortune requires mental strength to survive .
Reply:Hi mate, great question.

I would think it would take more mental fortitude to shoulder misfortune. Essentially, good fortune is often just an 'ego stroke' and requires very little effort.

In saying that, I think that individuals would inherantly react differently based on their experiences. I.e. some people that have had it easy all of their life might be devistated when something bad occurs, and conversely, one that has really done the hard yards all of their life, might be undettered by a failure and might find it harder to accept an easy win.

Food for thought anyway!

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