Friday, January 27, 2012

What are your test day secrets? Do you eat anything special, do you do anything out of the ordinary?

I have one of the biggest test of my life tommorow. I am going for my exams to get my BS in Nursing. Any suggestions welcome. I am prepared as far my studying and knowledge are concerned. I am looking for good ways to relax and increase my stamina. This has the potential to become a six hour test. My attention span has a tendency to wonder after an hour or two. Sitting in that chair tommorow and staying focused is going to be hard. What are your secrets?

What are your test day secrets? Do you eat anything special, do you do anything out of the ordinary?
This may be too late because I'm in the Pacific time zone - you're probably zonked by now. Here are some thoughts:

1) Breathe. I know, that's sounds silly, but people who are stressed sometimes forget to least, deeply. Consciously take in three, regulated, deep breaths prior to and during the exam at regular intervals.

2) Stretch and relax. Muscle tension can increase stress, so do some stretching of back, neck, shoulders and legs, even during the test. Then, close your eyes and imagine that you are letting go of all the stress - sort of like letting the water out of the bathtub. Try and visualize that.

3) Make sure that you eat something substantial (not a lot, but healthy) before the test, and maybe take a low-carb, protein bar with you to nibble on. Also, have water to sip.

You'll do fine. Good luck!!
Reply:So, when will you know how you did? Got my fingers crossed for you! Report It
Reply:Drinking hot tea to help you relax before bed is good. Make sure you get lots of sleep so you can concentrate better the next day. Do things to lower stress, like taking a long, hot shower. If they'll let you, take a snack into the test room. Also, if they give breaks during the test, don't just sit, get up and move around to get limbered up and re-focused. Take your time during the test, and if you feel yourself getting freaked out stop and breathe for a second in between each question.
Reply:I don't know about special things but I have a funny story..I went for a blood sugar test and got a call to see my doctor immediately...he said you have an over 6 on the test and may be have Type 2 diabetes...upon recollection, I remembered that being the day after New years, I had had two helpings of Christmas pudding with masses of butterscotch sauce touched with a serious amount of brandy, remember that people of British origin have to fire the pudding and often the brandy does not light so more is added..anyway, I went for a test again, right away and got like a if it is blood sugar, avoid Christmas pudding gluttony.
Reply:No secrets. I presume you mean you are sitting for boards. Keep calm, because if your nerves get the best of you, it all goes out the window! No one can tell you how to focus, you just have to do it. I would say to eat lightly, because a heavey meal before hand might tend to make you sleepy. Avoid concentrated sweets. As you know they can cause your blood sugar to plummet. Say a prayer. And good luck.
Reply:A healthy breakfast, with orange juice. a good nights sleep.

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