Thursday, January 26, 2012

Are excercise bikes a good stamina increaser and a good way to lose weight for a guy?

not trying to be stereotypical, but i see mostly women using them.

basically will it make me sweat

Are excercise bikes a good stamina increaser and a good way to lose weight for a guy?
yes. it's a type of cardio, and any cardio will make you sweat/lose weight. it depends on how hard/long you work. but, some forms of cardio are more effective than others, i'd recommend interval running, or elliptical.
Reply:nice,but doesnt provide a complete workout...i`d rather use a tredmill or eliptical for cardio...dont forget to tone as well
Reply:Not really. At the gym I've compared the calorie burning on all the machines, and bikes burn the least. Walking is better than riding a bike for calorie burning.

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