Thursday, January 26, 2012

How can i build stamina to run a fast 2 mile in 20 days?

i can run a mile in a half in 15mins but i need to build as much stamina as possible in 20 days

How can i build stamina to run a fast 2 mile in 20 days?
run 3 miles instead of 2 , then wen u run the 2 miles it will be easier
Reply:There is an easy answer to this one. First you have to run twice a day. Do the distance run in the morning, at least 5 miles. In the afternoon do pyramids and/or what I call hoops with very short periods of rest.

Hoops are simple, you lay out hula hoops at 7 1/2 foot intervals on the track. (preferably in an outside lane on a straightaway for 100 meters.) You run a lap and swing out and run the hoops as fast as you can with your knees up. Trying to step in the middle of each hoop. The quarter mile should be faster than you would run in a race. Only give yourself 30 seconds to recover and then do it again. Do 8 of those per day. Everyone knows how to do pyramids.

This may sound like a sprinter workout but here is the thing, in 20 days you cannot build tons of endurance by running a bunch of distance but you can build endurance and speed by pushing your body hard for short periods with little rest in between. I know well, I ran in the Junior Olympics while in High School.
Reply:Run 2 miles every day except 1.

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