Thursday, January 26, 2012

How can i improve my stamina, pace and speed?

What excersises should i be doing to imrpove them and what foods?

How can i improve my stamina, pace and speed?
best is aerobic...especially walking and jogging....excellent for building ur stamina. As for food...crank up on creatine which is needed for energy release in the muscle. Best sources are from meat and fish. If u dont eat much of it, there are creatine supplements u can get from the health stores
Reply:stamina %26amp; pace are 2 matters different,u will arrive if u chap one of those and do action very %26amp; very
Reply:Stamina comes from both weight and cardio training - weights wise you want to be doing about 20+ reps for stamina, cardio wise the more the better (but not so much that you feel faint/ weak etc)

Pace comes from technique, posture and flexibility - IE: if your maximum stride is only a few cm then you won't run that far or fast - the quads, hamstrings and hip muscles are very important in increasing stride distance

speed - speed and pace are sort of the same thing...

Excersise wise - try swimming and cycling (running is the absolute best BUT running on tarmac/ hard surfaces can cause knee traumas - running on hard surfaces is know as hard impact excersise where your knee jolts as shock runs up the tibia and fibula bones in your leg - just beware!)

Foods wise eat 2 - 3 hours before you excersise and eat complex carbs - from fruit etc and some good quality protein (chicken etc) (complex carbs break down slower and relase energy over a longer period of time than simple sugars which can also cause insulin spikes and only boost energy for about 30mins after eating - once simple surgars are used up you can become hypoglycaemic and feel more lethargic as insulin lowers your blood sugar levels)
Reply:run, run, and run
Reply:Stamina: distance running and fast walking; swimming; cycling

Pace and speed: Muscle training and sprint exercises; pure speed train over 60m - 100m; Pace 400 m

Carbs (e.g. pasta) and protein (e.g. red meat)

Sounds like you're training for a decathlon type event.

choosing ice skates

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