Thursday, January 26, 2012

What exercise do I need for stamina?

I get very worn out after dancing for a matter of minutes!

What exercises will give me more stamina?

I hope it's not the cardio ones - there are the ones I do not like!

Thank you all in advance for answers.

What exercise do I need for stamina?
My sons a physcial training coach. He says " sorry but it's cardio".

Now the plus side you don't need to go all out as soon as you get in the gym. Too many people overdo it an the first few lessons, they then quit cos its too hard.

Start off slowly walking on the treadmill then start increasing the speed to a quick walk. Try this a few times and eventually you'll feel like maybe increasing the incline to add a little strain or maybe breaking out into a jog.

The rowing machine is very good for increasing stamina, just make sure you always have a straight back otherwise you won't be excercising the abbs and putting strain on your lower back.

The best cardio machine of all is the cross skiing machine it tones so many muscels and gives you a good work out.

BUT remember not to overdo it, at the end of each session you should always feel as though you could do it again tomorrow. If when you get home you slump in the couch knackered you've burnt yourself out ol friend!
Reply:Cardio. There's no way around it.
Reply:cardi run cross trainers are excellent build it up a few extra minutes a day and do the same with the speed
Reply:read tips on weight loss and some great exercise programs on this site
Reply:Swimming is good for stamina and for general toning of your body , it is not such hard work as going to the gym and it is much cheaper.
Reply:Gotta be cardio. Although I don't enjoy running, I find that once I've eased into it - my stamina improves considerably. After a while, it becomes enjoyable, it's just getting to that phase that's a struggle.
Reply:jogging, hopping, skipping, crawling and more exercies with the word ending with -ing. will help. f

or eg. cycling, swimming, etc..

You have to start one and stick to it as i know we know these things but unable to do any...
Reply:well walking speed walking start out med pace for a few days depending how you feel and increase your speed more and more, but they say the real trick to it is not how hard you go but for how long , to increase your stamina and heart rate you need at least a good hr of walking a day, now if your into something more strenuous then pick it up to jogging slow, but for also an hr and then more, or maybe arobics if your a real trooper ok!!!! remember be consistant and increase the time you go, it of course gets easier and easier and they say walking doesnt tear your body down so much, knees boobs, face
Reply:cardio cardio cardio.. need to build up your stamina and its hard work...
Reply:Walking and swimming are good; esp swimming because the water helps bear your weight so it's less tiring. Anything that requires deep, regular breathing will help, because lack of breath control can make you feel tired before time. Try some yoga type exercises. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, and get off the bus a stop early or park farther away and walk a bit extra.
Reply:lose weight
Reply:Cardio, cardio, and more cardio. Have I mentioned cardio? The cardio exericises that you may not like are probably the high-impact ones like jogging.

I don't like those either. I just created a cardio program for myself (hopefully it works) which includes 20 minutes on the cross-trainer, 20 minutes of a brisk walk on speed 3.5 (4.0 for a few minutes every once in a while), and another 20 minutes to half an hour on the bike to get rid of the lactic acid. You're supposed to do 20-30 minutes of cardio 3 times a week AT LEAST to get in shape, more stamina, etc, etc. Try watching the tv at your gym or listen on your mp3 player while doing them; it'll make the hour go by faster. Good luck, pal.
Reply:you need to do alot of cardio depends on what stamina you need, i.e running,swimming,climbing

you just need to start at a low distance,time,height and build yourself you over a period of week/months

we you all you need to do is try different kinds of dancing and over a period of time to help u, take up lessons that will help
Reply:Go jogging. But remember that the moment you stop to walk, you start losing fitness. You need to do cardio-exercises because those are the ones which stimulate your heart. "Fitness" is how well your heart is able to supply your body with blood. Strong heart=fit.

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