Monday, February 13, 2012

Does anyone have any good ways to improve your speed and stamina?

-eat tons of protein

-practice running a lot

-OMEGA 3 FATTY ACIDS!!! ask for them in drug stores, they come in pills...

-Improve Running Technique.

There is a best way to run. If you learn how, you will instantly be more efficient and less injury prone.

-Get stronger .

A stronger athlete can put more force into the ground and cover more distance. The legs and core are the most important areas to strengthen.

-Improve Endurance.

If you are the fastest and strongest athlete on the field, but are also dead tired in 5 minutes, it means nothing. Repetitive training will help to build your stamina.

-Increase Flexibility.

A more flexible athlete can cover more distance and reduce the resistance of his or her own body against movement.

-Decrease Bodyfat.

A leaner athlete is carrying less “luggage” and will instantly run faster. Proper diet is critical to speed enhancement.

-Stay Consistent.

You must speed train all year if you want to see results. What you put into the training will be what you get out of it.

-Check out a Parisi Speed School near you, and use these keys to enhance your speed!

here are some links to help you:

Does anyone have any good ways to improve your speed and stamina?
run, run, run, and run somemore!!!!!! run just a short ways at the beginning, then work your way up...u'll build stamina and speed once you are able to run atleast 4 miles without stopping. it might take a while if you've never run before, but before u know it, your legs will be strong and u'll be able to run farther each day!!!! hope this helps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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