i cant run more than 15 minutes and i often run very very slow. ive been running for 3 months now and still my stamina doesnt improved that much. it was just as bad as before. my longest running time was 20minutes non stop. how can i improve my bad stamina?
Im a frequent jogger with a very bad stamina.is stamina genetically determined? how can i improve my stamina?
Stamina along with other abilities appear to be genetic.
You can not make a world elite runner out of everyone no matter how hard you train.
However, you can get much better.
You should have seen improvement in less than 3 months if you are running at least 3 to 5 days each week.
Run easy, relax, just try to be comfortable and increase your distance 1 or 2 days each week.
Doing long runs along with your regular runs will help you adapt.
After a month you can start doing the long runs as your regular days.
You may have developed a mental block as to how far you can run without stopping so you should shock your system by running farther.
If you will continue to run when you feel like stopping your body should respond and let you keep running.
Run with others and talk about different things so you will not think to yourself here is where I always stop.
Reply:find your limits, and then push yourself beyond them. find the limit that you can't push past. stay straining against it for a while. once you feel better, push past it. repeat. it is grueling, but the only way to build stamina is by pushing yourself hard for a long time, as long as you can take it, and then some. stamina is part genetic, if you can not improve the way I suggest above, try re-examining how you spend your energy each day. Cut out the superfluous things. See if that helps.
Reply:when your running, make sure you carry a bottle or 2 of lucozade sport.
run for a while, stop, then run, then stop til you want to stop altogether.
dont push yourself too hard, you could injure yourself if your body isnt up to it(:
Reply:well if u follow this program it helps
but u have to be determined
good luck!
Reply:continue what u are doing, keep pushing, thats the way to build your stamina. attempt other types of exercises also like skipping
Reply:just add an extra 5 mins weekly to your routine. I did that and now I am up tp 45mins 3x a week.
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